digital marketing trends

Five Of The Hottest Digital Marketing Trends This 2018

We all know by now how important digital marketing is, which makes it a necessity rather than an option. We already learned that social media sites, SEO, and mobile-friendly websites are essential in marketing your brand on the internet. However, this year, the trends have evolved.

Many trends have emerged the proved to be a powerful tool in making the most out of digital marketing Perth. The following are the hottest digital marketing trends to watch out for this 2018.

Personalised Content Marketing

Before, gaining likes and followers is as easy as posting contents and watching the numbers grow. This year, contents are given better attention, meaning, you cannot just post anything related to your niche. What you need is something that you target audiences wants to see based on real-time and behavior-based marketing. The old concept one-size-fits-all-no longer works as targeted personalization brings in more user engagement.

Interactive Contents

Not only are this year’s most effective contents personalized, but they must also be interactive. Take Buzzfeed for example. Their quizzes are always being searched on Google. They make more than six quizzes a day, and out of the number of people who takes these tests, a whopping 96% finishes them, not to mention the popularity of the internet media company. What do these numbers say? People love contents that are interactive, entertaining and fun.

Video Marketing

It’s a no-brainer that many people would rather watch videos than read the news or articles. Besides the fact that we are busy creatures and reading takes more time than watching, videos are a lot more entertaining because of the visuals. Not only that – many companies enjoy boosts in sales thanks to video marketing. Why? It is because consumers are enticed to buy goods and services after catching a glimpse of a video online.

Influencer Marketing

When you go to social media websites, how often can you see pages sharing another page’s content? That’s right, that is what influencer marketing is all about; this is like a digital recommendation wherein an influencer like Instagram users with lots of followers, active likers, as well as commenter’s, get paid by a business to promote their products and services. Just the mere fact that your favorite celebrity or personality mentions how great a product it will make you curious and want to try it out. That’s how powerful influencer marketing is.

Micro-moment Marketing

Think With Google claims that this marketing strategy is the best way to provide unique and personalized experiences to a consumer. Micro-moments are instances when a consumer uses a device because of a need to go, to know, to do or to buy. You customers shift to smartphones or gadgets to search for items they need, the services they want to buy, to research or wants to do. Brands are encouraged to use these moments to attract customers in with valuable contents.

These five along with chatbots, visual searches, and artificial intelligence are what makes up the future of digital marketing. Use these marketing strategies and get yourself ready to be the best digital marketing in Perth.

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