
Why Display Freezers Should Be On Top Of Your List For Your Business Growth

There are different types of customers that walk into retail stores each day. Some made up their minds and have a list of things they wish to buy. Some are unable to decide and may buy products as they go along and browse the store. In both cases, showing them what you have give them a chance to buy what they need, but also attract them by other products. When it comes to frozen foods, you can store them in freezer chests or opt for more modern glass displays. The latter, as you find, will entice more customers to buy.

Display Freezers
Display Freezers

Why choose display freezer?

The reason is simple. If products are hidden behind closed doors, customers do not get to see them. If the same products are exposed to view in display freezer with glass fronts, the effect is different. There is a psychological impact. Attractively displayed products have a visual aesthetic. There is a visual sensory stimulus that in turn excites the heart and the mind. Even if a customer had no prior desire or thought about a particular product, simply viewing it might motivate him to try it out and the product may get a chance to be added to his shopping cart. On the other hand, products hidden in closed chest freezers stay hidden and you may find it hard to sell. Eventually, you may even have to throw them out.

Commercial display freezers

Commercial display freezers are available in different types. One can opt for a simple upright display freezer unit with glass window and interior lighting. Lighting is important in order to appeal to the heart of a potential buyer. Adequate lighting is another important aspect to keep in mind, quality of light or its colour temperature also plays a vital role. Some display freezer chests may have a golden hued light with a colour temperature of about 2800 K. A warm shade of light is no doubt desirable, but you will find that a 4000 K light source is better for a more natural effect. Anyway, customers walk past, stop when they are in front of a display refrigeration unit and check out products available. Attractively lighted and displayed products can be so tempting and do the half of the work of the sales for you.

Curved counter

A curved counter is another option. A glass curved illuminated horizontal display chest freezer unit has its own attraction. Products are laid out horizontally on glass shelves and almost call out to buyers: “buy me!”  In the same category, you will find horizontal ice cream freezers with glass on top. When a customer can view so many different items are being offered can make choices, inevitably it helps in the sale process. A frost-free horizontal display freezer with glass front and lighting inside is the best one to select for the stores.

Display Freezers
Display Freezers

Choose the best option

Just keep in mind that horizontal display freezers may look more attractive, but it may take up more space. A vertical display freezer allows you to display more products in a smaller footprint. Retail business is different from online business. Customers like products only when they can see, touch, and feel it, which is why they take the trouble to visit shops. Give them what they want, present them everything you have and it is unlikely you will have products that remain unsold.

Hence, by using display freezers, you also convey the impression that you care for the freshness of your products and for your customers. Display freezers indirectly generate loyalty and gain you profit.

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