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Types Of Air Conditioners Perfect For Sustainable Living

Living in a world where every lifestyle habit or convenience, includes technological devices and process that can (and often does) negatively influence our environment, it is becoming increasingly important to find sustainable ways to live. Thankfully, available technologies are also evolving to support this growing need for sustainable living.

Air conditioners are examples of technology that has evolved to include options that a suited for more sustainable living. There are three main types of air conditioners, each coming with its own set of energy requirements and features that lend themselves to different levels of sustainability. We look at these more closely below.

Types of Air Conditioners

  1. Split system air conditioners

Considered to be the best option for sustainable living as far as air conditioners go, split system air conditioners are highly-efficient. These units are quieter and more powerful than others, all while being energy efficient – even when cooling larger rooms or entire residences. Features of the split system air conditioner include:

– Being comprised of two units – one inside and the other outside

– Built-in Wi-Fi to motion sensors and air ionizers

– Must be installed by a trained technician

  1. Window/wall air conditioners
Air Conditioners
Air Conditioners

These air conditioners are a more cost-effective alternative to split system types of air conditioners. Admittedly, however, they are limited to work best in certain kinds of spaces which are usually smaller or more confined than the ones split systems can function efficiently in. Other features of the window/wall air conditioner include:

– Can be installed by anyone with basic DIY know-how

– Comes fitted with air ionizers, remote control, and timers

  1. Portable/mobile air conditioners

Although comparatively less effective than other types of air conditioners, portable air conditioners can be moved from one room to the next without consequence. They are generally plugged into an electricity outlet to be powered and require no DIY or installation. These are plug and play units. Other features include:

– Omnidirectional louvres to help circulate air around room

– Comes fitted with a host of convenience features like timers and remote controls

  1. Other types of air conditioners categories to consider are:

– Inverter

For inverter air conditioners increase energy efficiency through delivering a consistent airflow that improves temperature regulations

– Reverse cycle

Reverse cycle air conditioners can both heat and cool a room and energy efficiency may differ according to brand or make

– Smart air conditioners

Smart air conditioners improve energy efficiency by being able to connect to the home’s network (via Wi-Fi) and monitor output through apps on compatible mobile devices

Types of Air Conditioners and Output Capacity Guide

Of course, different types of air conditioners will be better suited to rooms of different size and functions due to output capacity required. Such requirements, when adhered to, help ensure that units contribute to sustainable living. Here is what you need to know to choose the right air conditioner to match room size to output capacity.

– Output capacity and is printed on a colour-coded sticker for air conditioners and is measured using a star rating. Rating is calculated based on the required power input relative to the unit’s capacity to cool or heat a living space.

– Generally, air conditioners require about 80watts of power per square meter. Hence, a room that is 9m squared will require 2.5KW(c)/3.2KW (h), while a room of 55m squared will require 8.0KW(c)/9.0LW (h) to 9.2KW(c)/10.0KW (h) – approximately.

For more information about Air Conditioners visit Infiniti air today.

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