Home Improvement

How to Care for Hand knotted Carpet?

I am going to write this article to discuss long term care and maintenance of hand knotted woollen area rug and hand knotted silk area rug. People feel that the Oriental carpets are valuable so they have to care about this but Oriental rugs have earned their reputation of being magical because of their intricate designs patterns and vibrant color combinations. When these carpets become dirty, these can be washed and these carpets can be fixed when these are worn out. If you don’t care about your rug then it will be filled with dust and stains. You can increase the life of your carpet by facing some natural enemies of carpet like: sunlight, moisture, Spots etc.


Find some best ideas to care for your hand knotted area rug.

Rug faded in sunlight: – Direct sunlight is very harmful to a carpet. It may destroy the pile of the carpet and convert a beautiful handmade carpet into a faded carpet. After inspecting rugs in many homes over the years, experts are cleared that sunlight may be a real enemy of a handmade carpet. This is more dangerous than a feared and even than moths. Sunlight scattered through a window directly onto a rug is virtually guaranteed to harm it, whether morning or afternoon, southern or western sunlight. It does not matter if the carpet is naturally dyed or synthetically, both type rugs suffer equally. Of course, there are situations where the risk of your rug is less obvious, as it is in the sunny room but does not take direct sunlight. Be careful because some carpets can afford a lot of light and others will not afford it – and there is no way to know in advance, which else will. You can observe by keeping your eyes on the carpet. From time to time you can compare the front side of your carpet to back side of your carpet. When your carpet is new, you can see that the front side carpet is more colourful than the back side but it loses its beauty day by day.

You can eliminate your problem by keeping the curtain closed or paint your window with dark color and double coated.

Moths: – The second big enemy of the Oriental rug are Moths. These are small but you have to worry about it because these small kites will prove very harmful. As we know that handmade carpets are woven in wool and silk. These kites used the woollen cloths and carpets for food and cut the carpet in small- small pieces. In rugs with wool foundations, they often eat right through the rug; leave behind very small waste material. Moths can damage more than one meter within a week. For solving this problem, you should check the corners of carpet and hidden part also. Move your furniture and vacuumed it regularly. If possible then change the position of carpet or rotate it.

Spot and dust: – For solving this problem, you should use the right material of carpet. For example, a handmade silk carpet is not suitable for a high traffic area so you should not use it at high traffic area. You can use a woollen carpet for a high traffic area because you can easily wash it. You can use baking soda method for the hard spot. You should vacuum your carpet every week.

The above three natural enemies of a carpet which can destroy your carpet. Follow the above method and keep your rug clean and beautiful.

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