
The Importance of Discussing School Assessment Results for Better Education

Education has a purpose and it offers an opportunity for children to set and reach goals. Assessments are a crucial part of the education system as they are the basis to determine whether those goals have been achieved. Assessments also help to pave the way to a great future for students in terms of career, skills and talents. Most of time major decisions regarding grades, placement, funding, advancement, curriculum and needs are based on assessment results. In fact, discussing school assessment results with students and parents can lead to better education. Even parents can also contribute to a better education by discussing with the teachers based on the results of the assessment.

Assessment is a term with a broad meaning as it can include many methods or tools to evaluate and document progress, educational needs and skill acquisition of the students. A common method of assessment is the standardized tests or exams that each student goes through in an academic term. There are types of formative assessments such as quizzes, informal question techniques and class discussions that though not graded can shed much light into a student’s mind. Since assessments help parents and teachers to discover much about a student, it is quite vital to discuss the results of the assessments with each other.

School Assessment
School Assessment

Importance of Teachers Discussing School Assessments Results with Parents

As students spend the majority of the day at school, teachers are able to discern the thinking, habits, mind and talents of the students. They are able to identify the extent of the student’s knowledge and also understand the needs of each student. When teachers discuss with school assessment results, parents are easily able to understand on what the teacher knows. Teachers also can recognize a student’s skills and abilities. While discussing the assessments results with the parents, strive to be clear and precise so that the parents know exactly how their kid is. To nurture a particular skill or academic talent, parents support is very valuable. So discuss what works for the child and what does not work with the parents. The results of assessments can establish a proof for both teacher and parents to educate the child properly.

Make decisions on how to incorporate learning activities based on assessments results and discuss it with the parents. Communicate regularly with parents to provide information about the student’s progress and learning. Involving the parents in their child’s education by discussing school assessments results can help teachers to offer better education for children.

Importance of Parents Discussing School Assessments Results with Teachers

A discussion about a child’s academic learning should not be a one way street with only the teacher providing information and setting goals. Parents have an equal responsibility to provide better education for their children. Though secular education provides same knowledge and training to all children, parents can discern whether that education meets the needs of their child or whether more is required. Knowing your child from birth gives you access for deep knowledge about your child’s physical and mental abilities.

When called by teachers to discuss with school assessment results, give your input as well. Discuss and plan with the teacher to set goals and activities. When teachers talk about various programs and services your child can get, determine which are more appropriate and beneficial to your child. When teachers report your child’s development and achievement, look for opportunities to improve the teaching process.

A child will get good education when both parents and teachers come together to help the child. A great tool for that are the school assessments results. Discussing the assessment results can provide better education for children and pave the way for a better future.

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