Outdoor Improvement

The Right Choice in The Gas Fire Places

Let us understand a gas fireplace before finding out about the different ones available in the market these days. A propane or natural gas burner and the logs which are simulated are enclosed in a specific fire box. The glass on these fire places can help you view the fire. All you need to do is flip a switch and you are provided with the required warmth and an ambience which is envied by many. These fire places are clean as there is no mess involved. Even here, you have options between the vent-less and the vented fireplace.

Direct-Vent Fireplaces

Direct vent gas fire places are efficient to nearly 85%. These are air tight and vented with glass with seals and hidden gaskets, using a pipe of double vent. The pipe which is in the center carries the exhaust out, the space between can pull in fresh air, feeding the fire. If placed in an outside wall, these can vent directly out side or can go to the roof. This vent pipe requires venting out only 4 feet out of the specific roof, making horizontal long runs across the attic. This method is mostly preferred by those who have researched well.

Advantages of Direct-Vent:

  • No air escapes within the glass which is sealed.

  • Exhaust fumes are vented on the outside.

  • Installation can be done in any room and the operation can be continuous without any restrictions. There is no film created in the house.

  • Models which are furnace-rated can radiate extra heat into any room with a form of ceramic glass which is tempered.

  • Logs and flames have an appearance which can be termed as ‘realistic’.

  • These direct-vents have a wide range of options available for the trims and finishes.

  • Once installed on a wall outside they tend to vent out directly which brings down the costs.

Vent Free Fireplaces

There are multiple advantages of the vent free fire places. This includes-

  • There is no escape of heat that is all the heat remains inside the house which works out to nearly 99.9%.

  • The cost of installation is lower as there is no labor required and no additional pipes to be bought.

  • It is easy to install this fire place anywhere in the house as compared to the vented fire places.

Choosing A Gas Fireplace

Before you opt for a specific unit of a gas fire place you need to make sure that this is safe and also energy efficient. Besides being able to provide the required warmth, the fire place should be able to enhance the look of your home. If opting for the direct-vent you need to look for the automatic starter instead of the pilot light. For optimum distribution, you can look for a heat exchanger, a circulating fan and also connections to the specific ductwork. A glass front of ceramic, works well for the transmission of infrared heat from the flames into the space around. The government rating on most of the fire places can give you a fair idea of this.

Another feature to look for, is the setting control which is variable as this can help you in regulating the consumption of gas with the adjustment of temperature. The turn-down range needs to be checked before you opt for one.

With the above information, you can opt for a gas log fire place which fits your requirement to the tee and also enhances the looks of your house. All that is required is a little time and effort so that you can make the right choice.

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