
Different Types of Bollards That You Need To Know About

Bollards are very short post-like structures that are used to create a protective boundary or an architectural border. They primarily installed different places to serve as visual guides to restrict unauthentic entry. They also do the job of guiding traffic and serve as the marking for roads and parking lots.

Bollards are also built and used for protecting people and blocking the unnecessary incursion of various vehicles. These elements are also used for guarding and protecting properties.

Bollards can be an example of sheer architecture. The various shapes, sizes, and designs in which they come enhance the aesthetics of the space where they are installed. They tend to stand out differently in their settings owing to the architectural masterpieces they are.

These are as mentioned decorative pieces but are primarily used to resist forces of impact. These objects are easy to make and can be made from any kind of material as per the criterion of requirement. The most used materials for building Bollards are metal, cement, plastic, stone, etc.

A Brief History of Bollards

The word “Bollard” first came into being in popular dictionaries back in 1844. It has been derived from the word “bole” which means the trunk of a tree. Over time, this term has extended itself into the usage of guiding people on the pavement and for guiding traffic.

One more interesting fact is that the coining of the term took place two hundred years ago. But these Bollards are into used as barriers against resistance for thousands of years. The oldest known specimens of Bollards are found in the Roman Empire where stone-carved objects in the form of posts were used to mark the front of buildings. Such stone posts were also used as milestones at the sides of roads depicting the distance. The seventeenth- and eighteenth-century designs of bollards depict the canon barrels that were used at that time.

Different types and applications of bollards

Bollards have evolved to become a quintessential part of the modern-day landscape. This is a very safe and secure option for architects and planners all over the world to safely manage both pedestrians as well as traffic from vehicles, provide spaces for parking, mark one’s area, secure buildings, etc.

  • Street Bollards

These street bollards are used to guide traffic towards a safe passage and hence allow pedestrian flow to take place with ease. Vehicles on the road are guided by these objects as they create roadway demarcation. These objects or posts also restrict access to areas like traffic islands, bike lanes, etc. These posts are also used as traffic-calming objects along with speed breakers.

  • Pedestrian Bollards

Pedestrian bollards are used in many public properties. These posts are used to demarcate pedestrian areas.  These can also be used around a park or playground or any sort of property to demarcate its boundaries. These posts can also be used as an accessway to any property. There are also lighted versions of Bollards that illuminate light to indicate the pavements or pedestrian areas at night.

  • Construction Bollard

These bollards are very commonly used on roads, construction sites, and other such things that are either being developed or being renovated.  There are used to make a clear-cut distinction between traffic and the area of work so that no confusion arises.  These posts are usually handy and are made with plastic. These are generally neon-colored posts that stand on removable bases made of rubber

  • Security Bollards

These bollards primarily serve as a visual guide for pedestrians as well as traffic. They are generally built to reduce the speed and entry of vehicles in a restricted area so that accidents can be avoided. They are hard and resistant. Usually, a steel cover filled with concrete these bollards are not too easy to move.

However, they can be decorative items with well-finished edges and covers. Setting up these bollards is very important. A very strong bollard with a vulnerable base may turn out to be fatal. They would not provide resistance to impactful force in this case. Although, bollards made with different materials will have different impacts to meet their purpose of use.


The modern-day demand for any object must have sustainability. It is sustainability over style that attracts buyers from all walks of life. Bollards if transported properly sustain over long periods. With the end of their time, such Bollards can be recycled for further uses.

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