Home Improvement

Steps and Tips to Keep Heating and Cooling Systems in Working Condition

Both heaters and refreshing devices operate efficiently provided you choose for their easy and free from trouble maintenance. Regardless of the types of heating and cooling systems you own; you have to consider many things to keep the respective system in proper working condition.

Heating and Cooling Systems

Preliminary Steps to Operate Your Heating or Cooling Device

  • You should make sure that the unit receives enough power. For this, you should check tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses at the panel of your main entrance. A few of the furnaces come with separate power entrances often located at different groups across the prime entrance panel. Moreover, a few of the heaters come with fuses mounted within or over the unit. 
  • If you’re heating and cooling units have separate reset buttons, you should mark reset and wait for half an hour to allow cooling the motor before pressing the button. 
  • Make sure to turn on the separate power switch attached with your system. 
  • If you’re heating or cooling unit uses gas, you should turn on the gas supply and light the pilot light. Alternatively, if your system uses oil, you should never forget to check if oil supply is enough. 

Tips to Make Sure Adequate Operational Efficiency of Systems During Summers and Winters 

1. Keep Your Unit in Clean Condition

Both heating and cooling systems consist of AC, heat pump or a furnace. Also, these systems have indoor units, i.e., blower and evaporator and outdoor units, i.e. compressor and condenser coil. Indeed, you will find many ways to clean the system’s outdoor component.

However, before you should start the process, you should cut the power. You can remove the top and use a suitable hose for cleaning the fins with the help of inside-out sprayers. Alternatively, you may straighten the device’s fins to spruce up the air conditioner system.

2. Check the Electric Connection Properly

It would help if you checked the electric connections of your heating and cooling systems whenever the power supply remains off. To inspect the components and connected wires properly, you must remove the access panel present on the condenser. You have to check wires, which may appear as burned, charred or possess melted insulation. Along with this, you should check each of the electrical connections to make sure they remain in secured condition.

3. Open or Close the Device’s Vents

If your home has a basement, you may close off the vents during summer months, while opening them back during the winter months. Also, you should keep a track of vents installed in the room of your kids.

4. Look for a Programmable Thermostat

You should look for a programmable type of thermostat, as it allows you to set up the air conditioning system to start half an hour early before you reach to home instead of blasting for the entire day. Besides, you must check and update the thermostat to save your valuable time and energy.

5. Clean the Air Return Vents Properly

Air return vents are often covered with dust particles and other types of debris. Hence, it would help if you made sure that they are cleaned periodically to avoid bogging the gunk down your heaters or coolers. Air return vents also prevent clogging up of the device’s filters.

6. Check the Air Filter

You’re heating and cooling systems at home move air from an air filter, which with time builds up dust and dirt. Thus, you must clean the filter regularly and replace it eventually. Mainly, you must focus on a few of the essential locations while you choose to replace or clean your device’s filter component. These are sideways, bottom, or top slot of the furnace, within the blower of a furnace and similar others.


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