Education Lifestyle

D for Data: Take Vitamin D for your Career

It’s funny how IT professionals are switching jobs hoping to avoid the onslaught of data science and Cloud computing in their industry. According to a recent Glassdoor survey, nearly every IT job today has a data value attached to it. Driven by this Vitamin D for Data, job responsibilities are becoming heavier on the tech side and lighter on soft skills.

So, what are the potential sources of your Vitamin D for a well paid data science career?

Source 1: Market Research and Analysis

Trends, like fashion, change every Monday. But, thanks to the industry benchmarks in the Market Research and Intelligence reports, we can ascertain where the trends are heading every Monday. In Data Science course in Delhi and Bangalore, significant attention is given to current marketing research and intelligence in AI ML domains. Data Science for Marketers and IT professionals are slightly divergent, largely because of the core technologies involved.

But, at the end of the day, both titles have to realize that Vitamin D is essential to their job responsibilities. Learning Data Science, with market research and Big Data analytics can help Marketers and IT Analysts hit the nail on its head.


Source 2: AI Conferences

In a year, there are over 50 AI and ML related conferences organized all over the world. A large part of the conferences is dedicated to the Vitamin D sections. Keynotes on Predictive Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, AI ML, and RPA attract the largest volume of attendees and guests. If you can find an entry to these events, you have an exciting chance of brushing shoulders with some of the leading exponents of data science and deep learning. They could be from Fortune 500 Big Data Companies such as Google, IBM, Facebook, Salesforce, Oracle, NVIDIA and Teradata.

Source 3: Social Media

Believe it or not, people do take inspiration from influencers who are actively promoting AI ML and Deep Learning topics on their social media channels. I read hundreds of posts on Twitter, and LinkedIn that fascinatingly cover the errands of Data Science on a daily basis.

If you want to learn about the latest courses in Data Science and related technologies, try following at least 50 top influencers in the field. This could boost your social media quotient before you decide to hop onto your next data science job.

Exposure to data handling projects, analytics and light coding are seen as the biggest factors in getting that coveted job in Data Science industry that will pave the way for you into the new decade. The next decade is slated to become the “Ten Years of Unforeseen level of Automation and Internet” capabilities.

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