Real Estate

Living in Small Urban Apartments – A Survival Guide

Living in an apartment can be tough. Living in a small urban apartment can be even tougher. The small space leaves you feeling cramped and like you don’t have enough room for all your things. Humans aren’t naturally inclined to spend their lives in such closed spaces, but sometimes in our lives we may find ourselves in this situation.

The following is a survival guide on living in small urban apartments to help you make the most of what you have from apartment experts Sugartree.

Find Storage Space Wherever you Can

There are plenty of tips for finding storage space in small places, but what would you do if your small space is literally just a one-room studio apartment? In That case you just have to be even more creative. Make use of your doors by installing hooks to hold your coats and towels. There are also door-mounted shoe racks. These can be used to store shoes, obviously, but they can also be used to store just about anything else, including groceries and utensils.

Don’t Give Up Your Comforts

There’s no point in enjoying the reduced cost of small apartments if it means you can’t also enjoy the things that make you happy. If you prefer sleeping on a big bed, then find a way to it into your space or consider getting a bigger apartment. If you enjoy cooking and baking them you won’t be very happy dealing with hotplates and half-sinks either. Find an apartment that, while small, still allows you to enjoy your basic comforts.

small apartments
small apartments

Entertain Your Friends

Studio apartment living gets pretty lonely sometimes, especially if you never have your friends over. While you’re hardly going to have the room to throw a big dance party, you should have more than enough room to open out some space and watch a movie with your friends, or have a dinner date. Don’t forget to keep this in mind when choosing and arranging furniture.

Keep Things Clean

How messy something feels is related to the save of the space you have. Even a small amount of mess can feel gargantuan in a small apartment. The good news is that a smaller space is easier to clean too. Keep your apartment clean and invest in a hamper for clothes and other items to keep them out of sight and out of mind.

Leave When You Can

Even if you’re the kind of person that is completely comfortable being alone, you’ll start to go crazy spending all your time in a small space like a studio apartment. Leave when you can and enjoy the wider world; go out for walks and runs, meet up with your friends, do some reading at the library, or any other cheap/free event you can find going on near you.


Decorate to Your Tastes

Decorating your living space according to your particular aesthetic can help make things feel more like home. No matter how small your living space, interior decoration will always make a difference. Consider the following when deciding on how to dress your rooms:

  • Lighting
  • Colour Scheme
  • Fixtures
  • Furniture
  • Mirrors
  • Flooring
  • Layout

These features will have the biggest impact on how the look and feel of your apartment turns it. It doesn’t matter if you are renting either, as there are many temporary tools you can use to ensure the changes you make do not cause any damage.

Surviving Small Spaces

Surviving in a small space is all about making the most of the space you have. Find unconventional ways to store your stuff and leave room for small comforts such as spending time with your friends. Don’t forget to go out every so often to stave off the cabin fever and you’ll have no problem surviving in your small urban apartment.

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