Stone Paving
Home Exterior Home Improvement

Choosing the right Stone Paving Materials

Home is built once in life and expected for its durability. Hence it requires utmost care and maintenance.  It is in fact the best place a person on earth can be. Over the last few years there has been a huge improvement in home building and designing methods. As a result, home owners and builders can now make their home look more beautiful with the help of some very small features. One of the most important among them is stone paving of the patio. Walk ways are an important part of front yard landscaping. A beautiful walk way will enhance the appeal of home and make the guest to your front door. Courtyards and walkways at home can easily be paved with stone in different styles in order to give the entire property a better look. However, it is to be kept in mind that clients must have systematic approach to get the paving job done according to their requirement.

Three important front walk way design consideration include:

  • Width
  • Shape
  • Paving material

Why stone paving is chosen?

Stone is among the most luxurious of paving material. It is also durable, versatile and comes in range of sizes, colors, shapes. Stone paving is also available for all type of situations.

There are certain steps that clients must follow for stone paving their walkway or backyard.

  • Identification

Identifying the area for paving is the first step towards the process. Whether your walk way leads from street to front door, from the drive away to front door walk way width is very important. The stone should be 2 inches thick for supporting foot traffic. There are many areas in a property that can be paved with stones. The walkway, the forecourt, the backyard and the terrace are some of the most prevalent places where stone paving is done nowadays. However, clients have to identify the place to be paved with stones in the first place. If there are multiple such places, clients have to work on priority basis. However, it is to be kept in mind those different types of paving look good on different parts of the property and so it is quite obvious that clients have to make a careful choice.

  • Choosing the texture

The next step is to choose the texture. The choice of the texture largely depends on the design of the house and the place where the paving needs to be done. Paving stones of different textures are available in the market and so clients can take the opportunity to choose from a large number of options. The textures that are high on demand nowadays are tumbled, non-tumbled, tumbled and embossed, slate, flagstone and old world cobble. All these stone paving textures are designed according to the requirement of clients and so one can have easily had what one wants from these textures.

  • Choosing the color

Choosing the right color is the next and one of the most important steps. It is needless to mention that not all colors look good on a certain property and so clients have to choose wisely from the options that are in hand. The color has to be such that it complements the beauty of the property on one hand and on the other it does not look dirty easily. This is why most of the people are nowadays opting for darker shades like black, dark grey and brown. The slate color can also be a good option for those who want to give a different look to their property.

  • Laying pattern

The last and the most important step is choosing the laying pattern. The stones can be laid in different patterns and as a matter of fact the pattern has a lot to do with aesthetic properties. It is therefore essential for clients to make the right choice of the laying pattern. Clients can choose from different types of patterns that would suit them best.

Now a day’s most of the companies have their own websites which offer stone paving services. Clients can gather all required information from these websites. Clients can also get the feedback from the people who had already used these services. Clients can also take the help of professional landscape artists in order to know which style would be best for them.

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