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How do Top Call Center Outsourcing Companies handle Angry Customers?

‘‘If you are not taking care of your customer, your competitor will.’’

—Bob Hooey

For business owners, nothing is more important than customers. That’s why companies always try their best while providing products and services. To stay focused on core competencies, business owners often approach top call center outsourcing companies like TMC, Go4customer, etc. to handle support service queries.

BPO companies also try hard so that their clients don’t get disappointed. To ensure the deliverance of phenomenal support experience, BPO firms do these things:

  • Stay updated with the avant-garde technology.
  • Provide top-notch training to agents to make certain that customers feel positive after the support service interaction.
  • Keep the customer data up-to-date.
  • Build the knowledge base for the sake of providing reliable solutions.
  • Monitor recorded customer service interactions so as to reinforce the quality of resolutions.

However, the arduous task that comes in front of BPO organisations is ‘Handling angry customers.’ Oftentimes, irate customers don’t listen to support agents, thereby, it is very hard to provide stupendous solutions.

Customers mostly lose their composure when they have to leave their daily routine work in the middle for contacting the company regarding product-related issues.   

Here are the top 3 things that customer service reps are told to do so that angry customers could be assisted properly during the interaction:

  • Don’t indulge in arguments  

Do you know the most effective way to handle disgruntled customers during the support interaction? Just let them vent. This factor is vital because whenever customers get frustrated with the poor quality of products, they contact the company to tell about the inconvenience.

However, support agents sometimes take negative comments personally, thereby, they get indulged in an argument with customers. Consequently, this not only affects the business’s brand image but also leads to the hassle of high customer turnover.        

To save the reputation of clients’ business, top call center outsourcing companies instruct support agents to deal with irate customers politely. Here are a few things that customer service reps are generally told to remember:

  • Don’t use rude or agitated tone during the support service interaction.
  • Always assure customers that the best possible solution would be delivered within a short time span.
  • Assist customers in a personalised manner so that their anger could be diffused.

    Hit the hold button cautiously

Business owners approach BPO firms so that the best assistance could be delivered, and the latter also strive for the same. That’s the main reason why support service reps are instructed to use a knowledge base while providing solutions to customers.

Support agents usually put a customer on hold in order to search reliable solutions. From the business’s perspective, this seems absolutely fine. In the case of angry customers, however, hitting the hold button is really a bad move. It is so because whenever disgruntled customers get put on hold, they feel that the company doesn’t care about their issues, which, in turn, leads to negative word-of-mouth.      

Henceforth, it is extremely important for BPO companies to make support agents understand that the hold time makes customers angrier.

Here’s how to use hold button while interacting with irate customers:

  • Take the permission of customers before hitting the hold button.
  • Explain the purpose why they (customers) are going to be put on hold.
  • Give updates about the progress at regular intervals so that customers don’t leave the conversation without getting the desired resolution.

    Develop emotional intelligence

Developing emotional intelligence during the support service interaction is the best way to handle angry customers. This factor can really do wonders for business because whenever irate customers make a contact for desired resolutions, they want someone who empathises with them.

To calm down angry customers, it is prominent for support agents to make apologies from the behalf of the company at the start of the conversation. After that, invite customers to share their issues.

Once customers are done with explaining the queries, support agents should look for the reliable solutions that can eliminate the issues from the root. This will help to secure both the CSAT score and the business’s brand image.    

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